How did a Star Wars loving freak who was lightyears away from picking up a frying pan ever learn any culinary skills? Thanks to the fact that it was either that or die of starvation while away from the creature comforts of home.
This site is dedicated to all those poor students out there who have come to grips with that elusive document known as ~ The Recipe.
so recipe of the week is... *drum roll* FRUIT CHEESE PIES ! or tarts if u'd prefer, it's really up to you what size u wanna make.
A 300g flour 1tsp baking powder 100g castor sugar 1 tsp salt 150 butter 2 eggs
Mix all dry ingredients together then rub in butter to form bread crumbs
B 500g cream cheese 400g icing sugar 4 eggs
C 800ml water (400ml peach juice and 400ml water)8 tsp agar-agar powder180g castor sugar
Decoration for Pie 36 pieces of grapes 1/2 can peaches (halves) 50g of strawberry slices (basically any fruits u desire to be on ur pie.. other suggestions include mangoes, kiwis, etc)
Method 1. mix in beaten eggs to ingredients A by hand to form dough. place dough in plastic bag and refrigerate for 2 hours (or freeze 1/2 hour) 2. Take dough out and roll between 2 plastic sheets to form a round base for the pie tin 3. take out plastic on top of pastries and dust pastry with flour. spread flour evenly. cover with plastic and overturn. 4. grease pie tin (if aluminium pie tin, unnecessary to grease) 5. take off plastic sheet on top and place the unfloured side onto pie tin and press down to fit nicely in pie-tin.
Filling 1. cream cheese and icing sugar at medium speed for two minutes. 2. Add egg to the mixture 3. Pour into dough base and bake at 170C for 25 minutes (or until brown). Leave to cool for 20minutes. 4. Take out pie from oven and arrange fruits on pie.i tend to put the outer-ring of fruits first and work inward from there. 5. Pour agar-agar powder mixture over fruits and leave to cool in refrigerator till set.
i had a bit of leftover pie crust so i made a fruit tart in a muffin tin. comments i had from my eaters said the tart looks prettier but it does not have as much taste as the large slice of pie. maybe i just need to put extra cheese filling, hmm. and if you've got any left over agar-agar like me, you can use that to make a fruit jelly! yum!
as you can see from my photos, my crust is too thick :( i'll hv to work on that. nxt round, it will be AWESOME :)
ok, back to work.. more to come when i feel like it ! no ideas as yet on what my new recipe of the day/week/month/year is gonna be.. maybe an easy to do creme brulee ! we'll see
So miss bunny's blog is like, what? dead? what else is new? BORING.
So what's on the plate here? Lekor Ikan ! it's this yummylicious malaysian kinda fat fish cracker and here is my (actually wilson's but whatevs) first foray into lekor ikan !
Apparently, according to the site where we lifted this recipe off, this is famous foods from Terengganu, Malaysia.
1/2 kg fish (the recipe calls for mackerel but we don't have mackerels handy here so we settled for pink ling fillets)
200g sago flour (we substituted with tapioca flour... is that the same thing?)
Salt to taste
50ml water
Some ice-cubes
Clean the fish and remove its intestines. Chop off its head and tail, leaving the body intact. Carefully, scrape off the fish meat; discard the bones. Or if you used fillets like we did, just omit this step and save heaps of time.
Pound, chop or mince the meat finely, adding salt to taste.
Add some ice cubes and continue mincing the fish meat.
Add sago flour and water. Stir the mixture until it becomes a soft dough.
Roll the dough into a cylindrical shape. Make it like a sausage size. Here, they ended up looking like sushi rolls, haha !
Boil a potful of water. Drop the keropok lekor into the boiling water.
Wait for it to float and remove with a slotted spoon. Set aside to cool.
Then deep-fry in hot oil.
And wahlah ! lekor ikan ! yum yum! just get out some sweet-ish chilli sauce, and you're all ready to go !
terrorist bear bear will be back for more posts soon ! fruit cheese tarts up next ! :D